Roads and paved surfaces

GeoCrete® is an innovative solution for road construction. For example, road-building and road widening projects are realised without unnecessary soil displacement and with a shorter road closure. When GeoCrete® is used with the available soil in a cement-based road widening project, it creates a stable retention of the road and a foundation for concrete elements. One example of this is a rumble strip with open grass concrete blocks.

A structural stabilisation with GeoCrete® is elastic and remains stable. Unlike the use of mixed rubble, which is only sealed during construction. Added to this, subsidence, vibrations and the alternating moisture balance regularly lead to damage to roads and structures.

Thanks to the high-quality material properties in a structural cement-based stabilisation with GeoCrete®, roads and paved surfaces remain stable and savings can be made in the use of concrete or asphalt. Reuse during a road diversion is easy to implement. Depending on the requirements for the surface, combinations with other top layers are possible.



  • Use of the available soil for roads and paved surfaces
  • Removal and supply of loose materials not necessary
  • Reusable and therefore less primary raw materials necessary
  • No risk of degradation due to subsidence, moisture balance or shearing
  • Reduction in subsidence and fissures
  • Freezing or damage under the road surface is not possible: stabilisation with GeoCrete® allows no water or salts through
  • Shorter road closure: the process is four to five times faster than the traditional method


Soil that is stabilised with a mixture of a low dose of cement and GeoCrete® can be reused with low energy consumption. Thanks to the reduced use of primary raw construction materials and a lower impact on the surroundings, the implementation technique causes very little nuisance.

Fewer materials need to be relocated unnecessarily, no soil needs to be removed and no new construction materials need to be purchased. This keeps transport to a minimum. It produces fewer CO2 emissions, so is less damaging to the environment.

However, the main reasons are the high-quality material properties that lead to better structures due to a more stable foundation and a more efficient use of concrete, asphalt and other materials. The reduction in construction and maintenance costs is therefore the main reason why this technique is used.

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