Private clients, investor owner

If you are planning to build an industrial building or warehouse, it might be important to examine the existing building plot in detail. This is because soil can become contaminated with metal-containing materials, or the soft soil or clay can contain humic acid, such as carboxylic and fulvic acid. In these cases, GeoCrete® transforms this soil into a structural material.

When a soft soil or clay contains carboxylic or fulvic acid, GeoCrete® neutralises these acids. The structural changes and the formation of new minerals during cement hydration significantly improve the compressive strength, static and dynamic elasticity modulus, bending tensile strength and frost-resistance of the soil. In this way, the clay or soft soil is transformed into a stable surface. Private clients, investor owner contact us please!

Structural stabilisation

It is possible to attach a steel structure to a structural stabilisation. Structures that were originally designed with a heavy concrete structure can also be optimised. GeoCrete® has proven its worth all over the world in a wide range of projects. Because the properties of a structural stabilisation can be incorporated into the design of the entire steel structure or concrete structure, GeoCrete® has many advantages as a mineral used for structural stabilisation.