
At home and abroad it happens that soil is polluted with metals by industry and mines. These metals can also be present in residual flows. Timab supplies products based on magnesium to prevent leaching. Next to this TIMAB offers products that affect the PH or reduce the sulphate content.  We like to offer a solution for your industrial application or for solving the environmental technical problem.

Immobilisation of the soil

The main concern with soil contamination due to landfill sites or other solid waste is the leaching of heavy metal into the soil and the subsequent contamination of underground and surface water. Heavy metals have very low solubility at a pH of 9 – 10, which means they effectively leach into the soil. Both magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide can be used as excellent pH modifiers to achieve these types of pH values.

Wastewater treatment

Magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide can both on different ways are used in the treatment of waste water:


  1. To the unpleasant smell of waste water to subside to H2S and ammonia from the water are removed. This can be done by MgO to the system to add with a buffer solution of pH 9-9.5. This will prevent H2S is formed.
  2. Corrosion of the utilities or of the tanks with waste water also contributes to the formation of sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
  3. Alkaline magnesium reagent can help prevent this by adding magnesium oxide or magnesium hydroxide add in parts of the system to change the pH or by the free surface to be coated with a suspension of magnesium hydroxide.


The removal of phosphorus is of great importance since the fonomeen phosphate promotes eutrophication which can lead to the death of aquatic life. In addition, by a decline of natural phosphate recovery and recycling of phosphorus deposition become important.  The byproduct of the phosphorus removal is called struvite and can be used as fertilizer (Mg, N, P-source). Magnesium ions cause the increase of the chlorophyll production, because they occupy the central position in the molecule, while the N and P important nutrients to plants. In this way the byproduct sold as fertilizer which the whole treatment process is still more profitable.


It should be noted that the use of MgO/MG (OH) 2 as the best the yield of phosphate recovered compared to Ca (OH) 2/CaO because the pH can be kept under control more effectively.