Engineering firms

Engineering firms worldwide are sharing and distributing their knowledge of geotechnics and improvements to infrastructure for the construction of roads, ports and flood protection. Innovations in geotechnics and infrastructure are benefiting a wide range of market parties, particularly clients and users.

GeoCrete® for geotechnics and infrastructure

GeoCrete® has proven its worth all over the world in a wide range of projects. Various engineering projects have been researched and implemented in collaboration with numerous engineering firms. Because no soil displacement is necessary during the process of stabilisation, the inconvenience is limited. The process is faster and reduces costs. The process requires less primary raw materials and the stabilisation or foundation has a better force distribution.



  • increases the bearing strength of soft soil or clay
  • dirt roads and rural roads
  • foundations under asphalt roads and site roads
  • widening roads by stabilising the verge
  • roads, cycle paths and maintenance roads around dykes
  • foundations for temporary or permanent buildings (event sites) · natural paved surfaces such as roads to wind turbines and plot paths
  • temporary crane positions
  • industrial sites, including optimisation of the structure and subsidence prevention
  • creation of foundation plateaus with the available soil
  • solutions for failure mechanisms on dykes
  • construction of paved surfaces that bear heavy loads, such as container terminals, lorry parks
  • cost optimisation when constructing airports and port sites


  • faster
  • reduces costs
  • no soil displacement necessary
  • less primary raw materials necessary
  • better force distribution
  • less nuisance and CO2
  • reusable

If you are working for an engineering firm and are looking for a solution for the use of soft soil or clay to construct roads, paved surfaces, foundations or revetment, please contact us.

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