About us

Let’s stabilize the earth

GeoCrete® allows to stabilize and construct without any soils excavation, reducing transport, primary raw materials, CO2 emissions, and enable to use concrete and asphalt more efficiently, for a sustainable result.

Applications include roads, paved surfaces, foundations, dikes and water protection. Based on our expertise, we want to contribute to better applications such as the construction of safe roads, protection against flooding and more sustainable structures.

GeoCrete® is an innovative stabilisation technique that is faster, cheaper and better for the environment compared to traditional foundations and paved surfaces. It helps to create a stable foundation with a better strength distribution which become less sensitive to vibrations and moisture. It increases sustainability and leads to lower costs when constructing and maintaining structures.

Soft soils or existing clay are transformed into a structural material with higher properties. As an example, a reusable structure can be created using less energy and generating higher compressive strength and elasticity, than the traditional stabilisations with lime and concrete .


A cement additive for stabilisation

GeoCrete® is a mineral compound produced by TIMAB Magnesium. GeoCrete® chelates acids in the soil and facilitates cement hydration processes. The structural changes and the formation of new minerals during cement hydration significantly improve the compressive strength, static and dynamic elasticity modulus, bending tensile strength and frost-resistance of the soil. This way, specific soils, such as clay, soft soil or soil that are contaminated with metals, can be transformed into a stable surface.


Paved surfaces, roads and road widenings can be constructed more intelligently with GeoCrete®. With GeoCrete®, the process of structural stabilisation costs much less time. In fact, it is four to five times faster than the traditional method. A one-kilometre road with a single lane can easily be stabilised in just one day. Inside and outside the Netherlands, this innovative method is used successfully for paved surfaces that bear heavy loads. Read more about roads with GeoCrete®.


GeoCrete® offers various solutions to fight against failure mechanisms in dikes. A large number of dikes projects have been implemented in which GeoCrete® has proven to be worth it. Among other things, the structure is not affected by corrosive seawater and years of experience have been gained with structures.

As a foundation under roads and in the flooding protection programme, structural stabilisation with GeoCrete® is a smart solution for multiple applications. Read more about dikes with GeoCrete®.


With GeoCrete®, very sustainable foundations can be created using the available soil. The cement additive increases the tensile strength and elasticity of a cement-based stabilisation. The surface of the foundation has a high bearing strength and a better distribution of forces towards the subsoil.

It reduces the need for transport, C02 emissions and the use of primary raw construction materials.

Read more about foundations with GeoCrete®. Contact us for help with your project!


When facing contaminated soils due to past or present industrial activities, such as the mining industry, GeoCrete® can be used to immobilise heavy metals. By chelating or bonding compounds, further pollution of the soil or groundwater can be haltered and further leaching can be prevented. This process requires specific research.