Let`s  stabilize 
the Earth


GeoCrete® is an additive based on a unique minerals mixture. It chelates the acids in soils. By mixing GeoCrete® with cement, the available soil can easily be transformed into a stable structure. It means that the properties can be taken into account in the total structure during the design process. Perfect for stable foundations, dikes and roads.

This stabilisation technique is innovative. Applications such as creating foundations, paved surfaces and dike revetments are possible and require less time. It is no longer necessary to excavate the soil or purchase new construction materials. This results in a lower impact on the environment, less risk of road damage and less nuisance for the surroundings. All together, GeoCrete® brings definitly the costs down.

About us
Lower costs High sustainability Fast work proces Less nuisance and CO2

Geocrete® and sustainability

Inside and outside Europe, there is an urgent need for sustainability, innovation and improved infrastructure. Thanks to new technologies, primary raw construction materials can now be used in a circular way. This enables recycled materials to be turned into materials for high-quality reuse. The energy costs of transport and the production of materials are incorporated into the design of the structure.

With GeoCrete® as an innovative stabilisation technique, the existing soil or clay is transformed into a structural material. The stabilised surfaces have high-quality properties and are used to create stable revetments or foundations. Because the supply and removal of materials is not necessary, transport and CO2 emissions are kept to a minimum.

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